QR Code Alphabets

The essence of communication and the definition of Words

  • Visual Arts


This work aims to discuss the unreliability of languages. We human beings created alphabets to record our thoughts. People of different cultures write in other languages even though their ideas are the same. One way we communicate is by translation. Without translation, many thoughts and pictures can not be understood. I doubt if people can understand what people think in other languages. I transferred 26 English alphabets into QR Codes and removed the standard part of the codes. The rest of them were regarded as a kind of alphabet. Each of them indeed stands for one alphabet, but we can not understand it. We can get the meanings by combining them with the standard part and then scanning them with a smartphone.


Conditions to be considered as words

  • A system of distinctive symbols, each of them with a specific meaning

  • Could be read and understood


Typophoon Group Exhibition in Taipei Taiwan, 2011




A Lonely Journey